Unearthing Favorite Books from Years Past

Unearthing Favorite Books from Years Past

As we have often said on this site, one of the major advantages of ebooks is the ease with which they can be produced and distributed. With printed books, you’re always facing the dilemma of initial cost. The price per copy drops substantially as you ramp up for...

Hatchette Groks Libraries

Big Six publisher Hachette has made its entire catalog of 5,000 ebooks available to US public and school libraries, a step that could foreshadow a broader move by other publishers to work more closely with libraries to harmonize the handling of print and ebook...
Sam Manicom’s Motorcycle Adventures

Sam Manicom’s Motorcycle Adventures

This is an abridged version of a full-length article that appears in the premiere issue of the ePublish Yourself! e-zine, available on ISSUU. Four books and several hundred thousand miles later, Sam Manicom has established himself in a uniquely adventure-filled realm:...
The Simplicity Journey Leads Here

The Simplicity Journey Leads Here

As a prolific blogger and author of several books, Tammy Strobel has successfully pared down the complexity of her life to the point she not only survives, but also thrives as a full-time writer—something that is definitely not easy to do as the publishing industry is...
She Did It Her Way

She Did It Her Way

In one of the most anticipated moments in the short history of ebooks and epublishing, Pottermore—an online community based on the imaginative fantasies of J.K. Rowling—has gone live. To the kids (and more than a few adults) who have emotional investments in the...
Exploring Ebook Formats—Mobile Applications

Exploring Ebook Formats—Mobile Applications

T oday’s ereaders are amazing devices, allowing people to carry hundreds or thousands of books, reformat text size on demand, and help look up unfamiliar words. More advanced ereaders even play audio and video, and feature seamless integration with the web....
Exploring Ebook Formats—EPUB

Exploring Ebook Formats—EPUB

Unlike Amazon’s AZW/MOBI format, EPUB is an open standard that is used in a growing number of ereaders including the Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble NOOK, and Kobo eReader, among others. The standard itself is controlled and developed by the International Digital...

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