Philip K. Dick was one of the most prolific and influential writers in the science fiction field. Many of his works have been adapted to film and television and his ideas have energized many other writers. His novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, was adapted by Ridley Scott as Blade Runner, and it endures as a landmark classic of the science fiction genre. Amazon Prime created a series from the novel The Man in the High Castle and other films, including Total Recall and The Minority Report, were inspired by Dick’s work.

This quirky story, Beyond the Door, narrated by Lee Purcell, takes the most benign character imaginable, a cuckoo inside a clock, and imbues it with a sense of menace and malign intent. This is the second in a planned ePublish Yourself! series highlighting classic and contemporary short stories. We’d like to extend the storytelling art beyond the printed page and ereader screen and return to the oral traditions stretching back hundreds of years and now revitalized by the wonders of digital media.


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